GORILLAS, How Much Do We Really know

What we will explore here is a some interesting facts about Gorillas, where they live, their interesting ways of life and some fun facts about these Primates that most people don't know. I hope this information is useful and you leave having a new found respect and how remarkable these creatures are! 

Wikipedia always offers insightful information about any subject from bread to presidents to Gorillas! Not only is Wikipedia an insightful source, but one that you can rely on for up to date and accurate information.

It should be noted that Gorillas are an endangered species and we as humans who have the resources should help save them. Please visit this site for more information:

Did you know that Gorillas have 98 - 99 percent (Wikipedia) of identical DNA that is found in Humans? That is an interesting fact and makes one think that Humans could be mere distant cousins.

Gorilla males can weigh up to 440 pounds, and the females can weigh up to 220 pounds. Gorillas move around by "knuckle walking"(Wikipedia) balancing themselves with their knuckles on the ground in a hunched over like position 

Like Humans Gorillas have a blood type which is mostly Type B and like humans have their each individual finger prints (Wikipedia)

I find Gorillas interesting because they are self sufficient primates that are so much like humans. Gorillas like humans take care of their young, and although science tries to imply that only "Mandarin Ducks" know the feeling of real love, I believe all creatures of the earth do in their own way and gorillas are no exception to that.

Hearing is important to Gorillas, for locating one another to detecting danger.

Gorillas are found in Africa they have a life expectancy of 30 to 40 years.
Let's not forget about the sliverbacks and the black backs for more detailed information please check out this link :  http://guenther-eichhorn.com/rwanda_gorillas.html there is several pictures and plenty of information on the above listed link.

Dian Fossey an American zoologist studied Gorillas for over 18 years. Please google her to find out more about her findings and for a quick reference check out this short article on Wikipedia:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dian_Fossey

Gorillas are Primates, just like humans and Great Apes
Gorillas are in the Great Ape Family
Western lowland Gorillas are the ones you can see in zoos
Eastern lowland Gorillas have broader chest and more narrow faces
Only four Eastern lowland Gorillas are in captivity
Mountain Gorillas have longer hair to keep them cooler in the cooler months
References from : http://www.gorilla-haven.org/ghfunfacts.htm

In closing; Gorillas are interesting Primates that are endangered animals. Gorillas are smart and live in social family circles. The Males are Dominant! When babies are born the mother Gorilla will hold the infants for four months. There are so many interesting facts about Gorillas, take the time to explore, learn and be apart of the cause!


